Cromer Marrams Bowls Club Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Statement 1. Cromer Marrams Bowls Club recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and accompanying legislation to ensure the following To provide and maintain a safe Clubhouse and green, safe equipment and a safe environment for members and guests, particularly for volunteers working for the Club. To ensure hazards are identified and that there is a regular assessment of risks. To provide information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure all can be assured of a safe and healthy working environment. To promote awareness of Health and Safety encouraging best practice. To ensure it takes appropriate protective and preventative measures. To ensure there is access to competent advice. 2. Organisation and Responsibilities Responsibility for ensuring that the Club complies with Health and Safety responsibilities is vested in the Club’s Management Committee which will arrange for an annual pre-season risk assessment in April to ensure appropriate measures are in place to eliminate/mitigate risk. In addition, the Club appoints one member, whose function is at any time to draw to the Committee’s attention any risks/hazards that may not have been properly identified or where the mitigation action may be insufficient. 3. The Risks As a small organisation, the Club does not employ full or even part time staff but Health and Safety law requires that where volunteers are used on a regular basis, (e.g. Secretary, Treasurer, Greens Staff) they should, for the purposes of the Act, be treated as employees, even if unpaid. The Club has identified the following principal areas where it needs to monitor closely risks associated with the work done by volunteers. Fire Trips/Fall Electricity – risk of fire and personal injury Chemicals/Fertilizers Use of machinery Food safety First aid Children and “Adults at Risk”. 4. Measures in Place to Mitigate Risk Fire: The Fire extinguisher is annually inspected and serviced by qualified personnel. Trips/Fall: At the beginning of each season the premises/greens are checked to ensure that potential hazards are appropriately marked and that any necessary warning signs are visible. An Accident Book is maintained in which all incidents are recorded. Electricity: Electrical installations and portable electrical equipment are subject to periodic inspection and testing. Chemicals/Fertilizers: Chemicals and Fertilizers are held securely under lock and key and, where appropriate, use is under supervision of an individual who has been on a Pesticide Course and obtained PAI and PA6 certification. Use of Machinery: All machinery is kept fully maintained and regularly serviced. First time users of machinery are trained and initially supervised by experienced operators. Food Safety: Kitchen facilities are maintained to a high standard and meet legal requirements. Members are aware of Food Hygiene requirements. Catering is under the control of a holder of a Food Hygiene Certificate First Aid: The Club cannot necessarily from its own membership expect to have trained first aiders on hand. It provides, however, a first aid box, which is regularly checked, and displays information on how emergency assistance can be obtained. There is also a defibrillator situated on the outside wall of the clubhouse with clear signage. Children and “Adults at Risk”: The Club has a clearly publicised Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. 5 Record Keeping6 Dissemination of Health and Safety Information A copy of this Health and Safety statement is available to the Club members. Members are asked to familiarise themselves with the content and if necessary to draw the attention of Committee members to any areas of concernCromer Marrams Bowls Club Code of Conduct
The aim of this Code of Conduct is to provide an enjoyable, comfortable, safe and rewarding environment for all people associated with the club. It applies equally to members and their guests, including players from other clubs visiting the club for social or other competitions.
Members, visitors and guests of the club have a right to:
be treated with fairness and respect;
participate in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination;
have their privacy and confidentiality protected.
Members may submit their views or concerns to the Bowls Committee in person or in writing.
The Bowls Committee will investigate and deal with concerns in a timely manner. They will advise all concerned parties of their decision, which will close the matter.
It is expected that members and visitors of the club will at all times:
Be friendly, courteous and respectful towards other members, visitors and staff;
Respect team-mates, opponents, officials and the rules of the game;
Refrain from behaviour that would bring the game or the club into disrepute;
Refrain from behaviour that could offend or embarrass others;
Behave in non-violent and non-abusive ways;
Respect the positions of office bearers, committee members and volunteers of the club;
Treat the property and facilities of the club with respect;
Contribute positively to the sporting and social activities of the club.
Conduct is a matter of concern to all members – poor conduct has a negative impact, and can be harmful and destructive to the club.
It is the responsibility of all members to ensure that their behaviour is appropriate at all times.
If a member is offensive or abusive, responding in the same manner will also be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct. The only reasonable and acceptable response is to not engage in a negative behaviour. It is acceptable to report the concern/matter to the Bowls Committee to be investigated under breaches of the Code of Conduct.
Any member representing the club must not engage in conduct which is violent, aggressive, inappropriate or prejudicial to the interests of the club. A member representing the club, for the purposes of this rule, is defined as anyone who:
Is wearing club uniform or any items of uniform that identifies them as a member of the Club;
Represents the club in any bowls event;
Participates in any bowls event at our club or at another club, or attends such event(s) as a spectator.
Any member who has indicated his availability to represent the club in any organized competitions must play in the position(s) and team(s) they are selected in by the club’s selectors.
Bowlers will show respect to their team mates, and opponents, and play the game of bowls to the highest degree of sportsmanship and honesty.
Spectators on the surrounds of the green will conduct themselves in a manner that ensures that bowlers are not distracted.
Members, visitors and guests will ensure that the comfort of other patrons is not unreasonably disturbed.
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club Equal Opportunity Policy
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club is committed to providing equal opportunity for staff, members and applicants for membership. It will ensure that no employee, job applicant or member will receive less favourable treatment than any other on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, marital status, disability, trade union activity, political or religious belief, age, gender or sexual orientation.
These ideals will be pursued within the legal obligations of the relevant Government Act.
With special reference to junior members, our aim is to provide each child in our charge with the opportunity to fulfil their potential and to develop a positive image of themselves so that they become a valuable member of the club and of the community at large. This will be achieved through equal access to all activities at the club.
We recognise that all members and prospective members are different and have different needs.
Aims and Objectives
1. We do not discriminate against anyone, on the grounds of their, sex, race, colour, religion, nationality, gender, disability, age, ethnic or national origins. This is in line with the 1976 Race Relations Act and covers both direct and indirect indiscrimination.
2 We promote the principles of fairness and justice for all.
3 We ensure that all members and applicants for membership have equal access to the full range of opportunities provided by the club.
4 We constantly strive to remove any forms of indirect discrimination that may form barriers to progress within the club.
5 We ensure that all recruitment, employment, promotion and training systems are fair to all, and provide opportunities for everyone to achieve.
6 We challenge stereotyping and prejudice whenever it occurs.
7 We celebrate the cultural diversity of our community and show respect for all minority groups.
8 We are aware that prejudice and stereotyping is caused by low self-image and ignorance. Through positive experiences and support for each individual’s point of view, we aim to promote positive social attitudes and respect for all.
Members, visitors and guests will respect other patrons and will conduct themselves in a manner that will not cause offence.
Members, visitors and guests will consume alcohol responsibly and will accept any staff or licensee decision to discontinue the serving of alcohol without complaint.
There is strictly no eating and drinking on the green at any time.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct are to be reported to any member of the Bowls Committee. Any breach of the Code of Conduct will be resolved calmly, with honesty, dignity, and as far as possible confidentiality will be maintained.
Where and when required, the Bowls Committee or a Disciplinary Committee appointed by the Bowls Committee, has the right to make decisions, and enforce fair and appropriate measures, to resolve a breach of the Code of Conduct.
Any reported breach of the Code of Conduct will be investigated, discussed and dealt with by the Bowls Committee or by a Disciplinary Committee appointed by the Bowls Committee by imposing either a reprimand, suspension, or revoking of club membership in accordance with the Penalty Matrix adopted by the Bowls Committee. In the case of non-club members, the Bowls Committee may consider a ban from the club for a set period of time or for life.
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club General Data Protection Policy
Policy to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club’s General Data Protection Regulations Policy sets out its commitment to protecting personal data and how we implement that commitment with regards to the collection and use of personal data. Cromer Marrams Bowls Club (the Club) is committed to ensuring that it complies with the General Data Protection Regulations principles, as listed below: • Meet its legal obligations as laid down by the General Data Protection Regulations. • Ensure that data is collected and used fairly and lawfully. • Process personal data only in order to meet its operational needs or fulfil its legal requirements. • Take steps to ensure that personal data is up to date and accurate. • Establish appropriate retention periods for personal data. • Provide members with access to their personal information upon request. • Abide by Article 15, granting members the right to have their personal information erased. • Provide adequate security measures to protect personal data. • Ensure Computer Security Software is current. • Ensure computers containing personnel information have their passwords changed on a regular basis. • Ensure that a nominated member is responsible for data protection compliance and provides a point of contact for all data protection issues. • Ensure that all members are made aware of good practice in data protection. • Provide adequate training for all members responsible for personal data. • Ensure that queries about data protection, internal and external to the Club, are dealt with effectively and promptly. • Regularly review data protection procedures and guidelines within the Club. • Ensure that everyone handling personal data knows where to find further guidance.
Data Protection
Personal Data is any data which may be used to identify, contact or locate a single person. The Club holds for all members their name, date of birth, address, postcode, home and mobile phone number, email address, gender and ethnicity. This information is held on personal computers by those club officials with the need to process such information, principally the Treasurer, Management Secretary, Fixture Secretary and League Captains. Names, phone numbers and addresses are made available to all members on the Club membership list. Where members have declared a disability, this information is also held electronically and in hard copy form. No financial information (e.g. Bank details) is held by the club although, if members have provided details of their Bank account, for the purposes of receiving BACS payments, that information is held within the Bank’s own system accessible only by authorised Officers.
Data Sharing
The only personal information shared is that relevant information required by other Bowling Associations or organisations to which the Club is affiliated, and is needed by those Associations or organisations in order that they can inform other affiliated members of, for example, selection for Association matches, participation in competitions, maintenance of a register of affiliated members for insurance and other benefit purposes.
Data Erasure
Anyone who has their personal date held by the Club has the right to access, view and erase this data. A subject Access Request (Article 15) grants every citizen the right to a copy of all their personal data held by the Club. Cromer Marrams Bowls Club will provide this information in an electronically transportable format usable by the individual requesting the information. The Right to be Forgotten (Article 16 &17) entitles individuals to have this data erased. The Club understands that failure to fulfil this entitlement will be a violation of GDPR and subject to penalties.
Data Breaches
In the event of a data breach posing any kind of threat to members personal information, the Club will inform the affected individuals within 72 hours.
Bowls England Trans and Gender Diverse Policy
Bowls is an inclusive sport, open to all who wish to be involved in any capacity and we encourage all trans and non-binary participants to take part. Whilst the physical demands of bowls are more modest than most sports, bowls is a gender-affected sport. As such, it is the responsibility of Bowls England to ensure that it provides a framework for fair competition and has due regard for the safety of all competitors, whilst also ensuring there is an opportunity for everyone to take part.
Legal framework
The policy outlined in this document ensure the following UK legislation is considered:
· Data Protection Act 2018
· Equality Act 2010
· Gender Recognition Act 2004
Definitions (Find more information, including a glossary of terms here.)
· Non-binary: An umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not sit comfortably with ‘man’ or ‘woman’.
· Trans: An umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth.
We commit to creating a safe and welcoming space for all players. We will ensure that all individuals will be able to take part in bowls without fear or harassment and that all club members and visitors will be able to enjoy our sport and feel comfortable in the environment it provides.
All members of Bowls England affiliated clubs must:
· Treat all trans and non-binary members with respect.
· Welcome all trans and non-binary member as you would any other member.
· Accept all members in the gender they present. If you require verification of identity, it should be the same for all members.
· Respect the privacy of all members’ information, including their gender identity. This is protected in law.
· Take the lead from the member. Ask their name and if presented with a pronoun use them.
· Not make assumptions about any member’s gender identity or related characteristics or stereotypes attached to that gender.
· In line with the Government Equalities Office document ‘Providing services for transgender customers’ 2015, allow a trans person to select the facilities appropriate to the gender in which they present.
· Report any incidence of a breach of this policy to Bowls England.
Club membership and non-competitive activity
If an existing club member needs to change the gender already listed on the membership record, they will be required to notify us of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process, which will be recorded by Bowls England. A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in. Members can take part in any Bowls England sanctioned non-competitive activity in their self-identified gender. All members should be treated with respect at all times and if concerns are reported relating to the acceptance of trans and/or non-binary members in any activity, the matter should be referred to us in line with our Disciplinary Regulations.
Competitive activity
The Gender Recognition Act 2004 makes specific provision for sporting organisations to potentially prohibit or restrict a person with an acquired gender from competing in an event or events involving a gender-affected sport. A sport is a gender-affected sport if the physical strength, stamina or physique of average persons of one gender would put them at a disadvantage to average persons of the other gender as competitors in events involving the sport. The sport of bowls is a gender-affected sport.
Applications to compete in the women’s category:
Applications from any trans or non-binary member who seeks to compete in the women’s category shall be required to comply with the stipulations outlined below.
International competition (defined as any event where Bowls England is represented at international level including but not limited to Test Matches, British Isles, World Bowls and Commonwealth Games):
· Notify Bowls England of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by Bowls England.
· This gender identity cannot be changed for a minimum of 4 years.
· Submit an attestation from a medical professional that the member’s total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to the member’s first competition and must remain below 10 nmol/L whilst competing in the women’s category.
National competition and local competition (defined as any event that leads to world and/or British Isles and/or national and/or county and/or district and/or club finals; and any national, county and district leagues):
· Notify Bowls England of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by Bowls England. The confirmation of change on gender identify will be shared with the County Association that the participants club is affiliated to.
· A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in.
· Submit an attestation from a medical professional that the member’s total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L prior to the member’s first competition and must remain below 10 nmol/L whilst competing in the women’s category.
Other local, intra-club and friendly competition (defined as any event any other activity other than that described in ‘International Competition’ and ‘National Competition and local competition’):
· Notify Bowls England of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by Bowls England.
· A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in.
Applications to compete in the men’s category:
Applications from any trans or non-binary member who seeks to compete in the men’s category shall be asked to comply with stipulations outlined below.
All competition:
· Notify Bowls England of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by Bowls England.
· A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in.
Members under 18 years:
All under 18-year-old members for whom this policy is relevant may compete in a girls’, boys’, or mixed team, regardless of their sex assigned at birth. This includes any under 18 competing in over 18 competitions. The member’s gender identity must not be changed mid-season and a member is only permitted to enter competitions related to one gender.
We will take appropriate measures for any breach of this policy in line with Bowls England disciplinary policies, procedures, and processes. All information will be collected and stored in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
Bowls England will monitor and regulate the sport to ensure:
· Fairness and integrity of competitions.
· Members compete in the category of competition for which they have satisfied the eligibility criteria set out in this policy.
· All members are compliant with this policy.
· No direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisation is taken against a member on the grounds of their gender identity.
· Any other breach or non-compliance with this policy.
Process for notification
Notifications are to be made in writing to Bowls England.
Education and FAQs
We understand the importance of education as part of understanding and implementing this policy. Resources are available to support clubs, and both Bowls England and the Bowls Development Alliance can provide practical guidance and advice.
Endorsement and Review
This document is the approved Trans and Gender Diverse Policy. It will be trialled during the 2021 season and will be reviewed in the off-season taking on board any future research findings or changes in guidance from the Sports Council Equality Group.
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club Welfare Policy
Policy Statement
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club believes that everyone involved in bowls should thrive, fare well and enjoy safety, security and protection from abuse, maltreatment or misconduct.
Every individual involved in Cromer Marrams Bowls Club is responsible for upholding this belief.
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club also recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure the highest standard of care to all (including young people and/or vulnerable adults) involved in bowls.
This Welfare Policy is further enhanced by the Club’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Section 1.2). Welfare Policy The ‘golden rule’ for all involved in bowls in relation to welfare and protection is that it is not your responsibility to judge whether or not a welfare violation has taken place but it is your responsibility to act on any concerns you may have.
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club will:
Accept the moral and legal responsibility to implement procedures to provide a duty of care for all people (including young adults) within the sport, safeguard their well-being and protect them from abuse.
Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of people taking part in bowls including young people, disabled and/or vulnerable adults.
Recruit, train and supervise volunteers to adopt best practice in all equality issues, to safeguard and protect young people from abuse, and themselves against false allegations.
Require coaches/volunteers to adopt and abide by the welfare policy and procedures, codes of conduct and investigatory, grievance, disciplinary and appeal procedures.
Respond to any allegations appropriately and implement the appropriate disciplinary and appeals procedures.
Principles Safety– The welfare of the bowler will always be paramount. Equality – The right of everyone involved in bowls to equitable treatment, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ability, sexual orientation or social background, will be upheld. Responsiveness – All allegations or suspicions of abuse or violations of bowler welfare will be taken seriously and acted upon appropriately and speedily. Those found to be spreading malicious or false allegations will be disciplined according to the relevant procedures.
Consent – Those with parental responsibility will be consulted if it becomes necessary to invoke the procedures that accompany ‘Bowls Welfare’ Fairness – The human rights of coaches or volunteers facing allegations will be embodied in disciplinary and appeals procedures.
Lawn Bowling Etiquette
(It’s Just Good Manners)
Lawn Bowling etiquette is about good sportsmanship, common sense and good manners, and, although some items are, most are not specifically covered in the ‘Laws of the Sport’. This guidance may be very useful for newcomers to the sport, but not exclusively to this category for many bowlers of long experience sometimes fall into ‘bad habits’, perhaps not being aware of doing so, and therefore these notes would be useful for them too.
We play the sport for enjoyment, for the pleasure of pitting our skills against others, in friendly competition, and our sport has a long tradition for its common courtesy and etiquette. Here follow a few points for your consideration:
Be punctual for your game, being late could be considered disrespectful to your opponents, and if in a team game, to your own colleagues too, and being rushed before an important game puts you at a disadvantage. Ensure you have dressed appropriately for the game you are about to play.
Introduce yourselves to your opponents by your first names, and exchange handshakes before the game, with perhaps a friendly comment such as ‘Enjoy your game’, or even ‘Have a good game’.
During the game, whilst at the ‘mat end’ do not move about and make disturbing noises whilst an opponent is on the mat, nor stand in a position where you might be in your opponent’s line of vision, or in sunny conditions allow your shadow to cause a distraction to the bowler. (The Laws of the Sport say a player should stand at least 1 metre behind the mat. 36.1.1)
During the game, whilst at the ‘head end’ when an opponent is on the mat to deliver a bowl:
a. Do not move about in or near the ‘head’ as it can be a distraction to the one about to bowl.
b. Stand well behind the ‘head’ when your opponent is on the mat.
c. In sunny conditions avoid allowing your shadow to cover the jack.
d. Avoid obscuring rink centre or boundary markers.
Once your bowl has stopped, you must relinquish the mat to the opposition and no further discussion can take place with your Skip until you next are back on the mat.
After delivering your bowl, and it coming to rest, there are only 2 places you should be – behind the mat or behind the head. Not anywhere in between or stepping off onto an adjacent rink (unused or not). As soon as your bowl has come to rest your opponent is entitled to deliver a bowl immediately – not wait for you to get out of the way.
At the conclusion of each end, unless you are the player responsible for measuring and agreeing shots scored, keep well away from the ‘head’ and do not under any circumstances ‘kick away’ or otherwise move any bowls in the head until the score has been clearly declared.
Compliment your opponents, as well as your own colleagues, for a well-delivered bowl. In the event of your opponent having a ‘lucky’ result, do not make any derogatory comments, although you might think them. Better to say nothing in this situation. If one of your own players has a ‘lucky’ shot, please do not say ‘Well bowled’ because it was not well bowled, it was a fluke. Do not use offensive language or gestures.
Do not openly criticise the green, your own players, and more importantly your opponents. If you cannot say something positive it is better to say nothing. If there is a need for some critical comment make it in private, not openly in front of other players or spectators.
Pay attention to the game on your rink, it is very frustrating to your team-mates if they feel that you are not giving your full attention to the game by, for example, frequently leaving the green or chatting to players on another rink, or in these modern times, using a mobile telephone on the green during play. If you must carry a mobile phone whilst on the green make sure it is turned to silent so as not to disturb other players.
Treat the green you are playing on with respect, it is costly to maintain, and everyone should try to deliver their bowls without ‘digging them’ into the turf.
Be a gracious winner and a good loser. Shake your opponent’s and team mate’s hands afterward and thank them for the game. It is customary to go back into the club after a game and offer a drink to your opposite number. They should usually offer you one back.
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club Photography Policy
All clubs need and welcome publicity. Photographs add colour, life and interest to articles promoting club activities and initiatives. Making use of photographs for publicity materials and to promote the club in the press can increase member motivation and help members, children’s parents, guardians or carers rights to privacy and be aware of potential child protection issues.
At Cromer Marrams Bowls Club every reasonable effort will be made to minimise risk by following the guidelines detailed in this document and by securing members or parental consent for the use of photographs.
This policy applies to the use of photographs and film footage in club publicity materials, on its website and in the press. This policy reflects the consensus of opinion of the committee of Cromer Marrams Bowls Club. Its implementation is the responsibility of all members.
Child Protection
There may be a risk when individual pupils can be identified in photographs. For that reason, the committee of Cromer Marrams Bowls Club have developed this policy to make every effort to minimise risk. In the event of the inappropriate use of pupil’s or pupils’ photographs the Safeguarding Officer will inform the local Child Protection Officer and Social Services and / or the Police.
Data Protection Act
Photographs and other images of members are classed as personal data under the terms of the Data Protection Act. Therefore, using such images for school publicity purposes requires the consent of either the individual concerned or in the case of pupils, their legal guardians. Cromer Marrams Bowls Club will not display images of members or pupils on websites, in publications or in a public place without such consent. The definition of a public place includes areas where visitors to the club have access. Where photographs are taken at an event attended by large crowds, this is regarded as a public area so it is not necessary to get permission of everyone in a crowd shot. The Data Protection Act does not apply to photographs or films taken for personal use by family and friends.
Appropriate Use of Images in Publicity Materials
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club will:
1 Ensure that images are stored securely and used only by those authorised to do so.
2 Secure parental consent for the use of pupil’s photographs/film footage.
3 Not use an image of any pupil who is the subject of a court order.
4 Without consent will not use photographs of pupils or members who have left the club.
Club Website
Using photographs on our club website is no different from using them in any other kind of publication or publicity material. However, the board of the club are aware of the potential risk of inappropriate use of images because of the lack of control over who might see the image and the wide extent of the misuse of the Internet by certain people.
The club will seek the consent of parents and/or guardians or those responsible for them regarding the use of images on the Internet prior to them being included.
Children’s names will not be included in photographs or published on the club’s website without the relevant approval.
The Press
The use of photographs in newspapers and magazines is subject to strict guidelines. The Press Complaints Commission’s Code of Practice states that:
1 Journalists must not interview or photograph a child under the age of 18 on subjects involving the welfare of the child in the absence of or without the consent of a parent or other adult who is responsible for the child.
2 Pupils must not be approached or photographed while at the club without the permission of a coach who has seen and read the appropriate parental consent form.
Where parental consent has been secured there is no breach of the Data Protection Act 1998 in passing on a child’s name to a journalist.
Parental Consent
Cromer Marrams Bowls Club will seek the consent of parents / guardians or carers regarding the use of photographs and film footage of children during their time at the club.
Any school or other outside organisation using the club will be responsible for obtaining parental consent.
Where circumstances change, it is the responsibility of the parent, guardian or carer to inform the club in writing.
Consent forms will be retained as part of a child’s individual records while the child is at the club.
Complaints / Concerns
Concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography should be addressed to the Safeguarding Officer who will report them in the same manner as any other child protection concern following the appropriate reporting procedure.
Objections relating to the Cromer Marrams Bowls Club photography policy should be brought to the attention of a member of the committee or the club’s Safeguarding Officer.